Techniques for reversible watermarking as well as the degree to which these anti-over-the-top pirate strategies have been successful in their application
As a result of the increased demand for digital video content, it has become essential to adopt safety precautions such as watermarking in order to guarantee that the content generated by users will not be reproduced by unauthorised parties. This can be accomplished by ensuring that the content can be traced back to the original user who created it. This can be performed by making sure that the content can be tracked back to the individual who initially developed it. This will allow the content to be properly credited. As a direct consequence of this fact, the implementation of technologies that make use of digital watermarking has become obligatory in order to guarantee the integrity of content that is secured by DRM protected content.
It is possible to conceal information within a digital file by utilising a method that is referred to as “watermarking.” This code is not easily decipherable to someone who has not had prior experience with it. After that, these particulars might be put to use in order to locate the source of the breach in the event that a violation has taken place in the event that an infraction has taken place. Even though the very slight modification that was made to the digital content cannot normally be undone, the watermarked version of the content is easily distinguishable from the version of the original content that does not contain a watermark. This is the case despite the fact that the original content did not contain a watermark. Because the content will be used in a form that has been slightly altered, irreversible watermarking should be avoided for sensitive applications such as military investigation, medical diagnostics, space exploration, and so on. This is because the content will be used in a form that has been slightly altered.
Utilizing watermarking strategies that are either reversible or do not result in any data loss could serve as a solution to this issue that you are experiencing. These approaches are often known as reversible watermarking methods. reversible watermarking techniques strategies for reversible video watermarking of documents Not only is it feasible to retrieve data that has been embedded, but also, with the help of these processes, the data’s initial state can be restored. Techniques for reversible video watermarking can be separated into three distinct groups: those that are robust, those that are fragile, and those that are semi-fragile. Each of these categories has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In general, watermarks that are created using procedures that are reliable are able to withstand the routine actions that are included in the processing of image frames. On the other hand, watermarks made using more delicate methods become undetectable as soon as the watermarked material is subjected to any kind of modification, which is evidence that the content has been altered in some way. This indicates that the watermarked material has been tampered with. The watermark is robust enough to endure even in semi-fragile systems that are exposed to alterations that are inadvertent but unimportant. This is because these kinds of adjustments can be made by mistake.
The following is an overview of a number of innovative ways to reversible watermarking that are ideal for utilisation with DRM-protected content on over-the-top (OTT) platforms:
Using compression-based reversible watermarking will require more storage space than traditional methods because the information that is required to restore the original image is included in the data that is compressed. This is due to the fact that the information is included in the data that is compressed. Because of this, it is absolutely necessary for the process of data embedding to involve the compression of some element of the cover image. This is because of the direct connection between the two.
Quantization-based reversible watermarking approaches are frequently sensitive because of the nature of the process that they perform. [Here’s a good example:] [Here’s a good example:] The original data for an object are encoded via quantization, and the most popular approach is known as the Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) (QIMM). After that, it is important to compute the information on the modulation, and then save it. After that is finished, the modulation information can be used.
“Expansion-based reversibility” is the name given to the watermarking method that is more often known as “pixel-based DE” (difference expansion). This method is also referred to by its acronym, which is “expansion-based reversibility.” You might refer to this method as an expansion-based reversible watermarking strategy if you wanted to. In spite of the fact that it has a low computational complexity, it has a large embedding capacity, and the very name of the algorithm defines what it achieves.
Histogram-based reversible watermarking is a secure method of watermarking that employs the utilisation of the histogram bin as the embedding target in the process. It is recognised as a secure form of watermarking, and it is one of the methods of watermarking. Since embedding approaches are block-based, it is theoretically possible for them to endure certain processes. This is because the block-based nature of the approaches makes it possible for them to withstand the process.
In order to pinpoint the origin of premium video piracy, it is possible to utilise any one of these approaches, or even all of them, to analyse individual video frames. This can be accomplished in a variety of various ways depending on the situation. When choosing which solution (or solutions) are appropriate, the specific use case that is being considered will serve as the decisive factor. Copyright owners who are active in the OTT market may be able to better secure their intellectual property if they adopt a multi-DRM SaaS-based strategy and combine it with one of the several forensic watermarking techniques that are available.